
Intelligent monitoring system for senior citizens in healthcare institutions

Availability: 14.06.2019 to 30.07.2020
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MentorAge® is a smart and non-intrusive monitoring active system dedicated to seniors, designed to foster their autonomy and guarantee their dignity and safety.

MentorAge®, the solution developed and commercialized by Nively Sas and Waldner group, is equipped with a 3D infrared sensor, which is installed on the ceiling or on the wall and which automatically detects dangerous situations, such as falls, rising from bed, spending too much time in a room, dangerous heights, exiting the room and night wandering.

The sensor sends alerts in case of danger via MentorAge® App, which is available for smartphones, tablets and online. The App provides with a “clearing any doubt” feature to verify if help is needed, thanks to anonymized and live images.

The solution is non-intrusive: seniors do not have to wear any device, the sensor only detects people silhouettes and does not show any body or face detail. MentorAge® is also completely customizable based on everybody habits: danger type to detect and alert activation hours.

Moreover, thanks to gerontologist feedbacks, who have been using MentorAge® for several years, the App has been integrated with an additional feature of activity analysis. MentorAge® is now a complete tool for prevention and non-drug approach.

MentorAge® was upgraded and the second version is now installed at several Nursing Homes and Centres for Autism and it will be soon available at home to reassure seniors and families 24/7.